Monday, 12 October 2015

Chilling, Sorting & Riding a bike!

After we arrived at GJs Cousins house.....
...we decided to chill a bit and catch up with washing (in the background - only did 5 loads)!
 Mission control around the dining table
and a warning to Bracken not to go near the white sofas.
The action end of the house.
After we had rested for a day and caught up with all the jobs we had to do, we decided to use the amenities i.e. Elspeth and Steve's bicycles.  We needed some supplies and the nearest shops were 7km away in the neighbouring town.
 Oh don't we look the part - bear in mind we haven't sat on a bike since we were on our honeymoon some 26 years ago.  Lack of balance and saddle sore comes to mind while I write this - ooooo!  Anyway, off we wobbled towards Surgères with empty panniers and ruck sacks.  The ride there for the most part is on a peaceful track (til you hit the bumps) but as you reach the town outskirts GJs GPS thingy was a great help.  We dismounted in the town square and I'm sure we both started walking like John Wayne when he got off his horse but we were safe in the knowledge that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!  Onwards and upwards - now we had burnt off the calories, we needed to take more in.
 GJ went very French with Magret du Cunard (Duck)
 and although I was going to have the Moulles, they were not available so I plumped for a Filet de Poulet (Chicken fillet burger with all the trimmings).
Me posing outside Leclerc (French Lidl) with a few provisions before the long trek back.
So we set off for our journey back and before we got out of Surgères, GJ decided to fall over - from a standing position, not even on the bike.  The problem is Steve is very tall so consequently his bike is quite big and even though we had adjusted the saddle, GJ had to be very careful with the cross bar - if you know what I mean. 
An awful lot of blood appeared but I don't think he needed stitches.
When we got back to the house, I decided to clean the wound with surgical spirit just to be on the safe side.  GJ was seen jumping around the courtyard shouting obscenities - but I thought he liked a burning sensation - he certainly likes chillies.  On closer inspection the label on the surgical spirit said "for use on animals". Uh Oh!
I would just like to add to this blog, that the team I was working with at Impact International had a lot of cyclists in it and I'm sure they would be proud on me managing 14km's in my first session.
That's all for now, next few days (Sunday/Monday) will be spent researching all the peagé/tolls/vignettes etc. that we need for Kevin.
GJ, H & Bracken


  1. Haha, just as well you didn't want to be a nurse! So caring.

    I'd wash your own wounds G!

  2. Takes me back to our trip to France a few years ago. Looks a lovely spot, food is wonderful too. X

  3. Falling off bikes and driving into buildings, maybe you should consider buying interrail tickets!

    1. It's all good fun but please note it was me that did neither!
